Jody Bevan (@autolass), a female auto technician and MOT tester with a passion for saving classic cars from the scrap heap and getting them back on the road, is breathing new life into a 1975 MG Midget which will be raffled to raise money for Help for Heroes.

Jody is vlogging the transformation of the iconic British sports car, who’s been nicknamed ‘MG Marshall’, while using her platform to promote women in the automotive trade and support sustainable skills as she is an ambassador for the Association of Heritage Engineers.
Jody syas “I chose Help for Heroes as this year’s charity as I wanted to show my gratitude to our veterans for their sacrifice and service.”
When Jody found that the donor car was a little the worse for ware in an emotional blog post, Graham Payne and BMH stepped in to help with her cause to supply body parts.
To get the full story click here.
Raffle tickets costing £10 to can be bought via PayPal – Remember to leave a name, location, email address and contact number please.
Donations to Jody’s Help for Heroes fundraising page can be made by clicking here.
You can Follow the MG Marhsalls journey on Jody’s YouTube channel @autolass.
Check out Jody’s Video and get involved.
News Item and Image courtesy of www.oldham-chronicle.co.uk
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